Vanderbilt University Medical Center Contact:
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Contact:
Top End MEPA Using resources from the global MEPA collaboration, the Top End MEPA Course aims to equip anaesthetists to develop and practice management strategies for emergency situations in paediatric anaesthesia. Courses are held at Palmerston Regional Hospital and are suitable for those who practice paediatric anaesthesia occasionally or frequently. They are delivered in the […]
University of Manitoba anesthesiology residents rotate through Winnipeg Children’s Hospital. Local contacts are Heather Brownell and Sreekrishna Raghavendran
We are based in the RILD (research innovation learning and development) building part of the Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust. We run MEPA twice a year for our CT2s in Anaesthetics and above as part of our Learning through Simulation training programme for anaesthetics. The courses are run in January of the year. Contact […]